2014 Complete Agenda – III Congress on art, literature and urban gothic culture
In 2014 the III Congress on art, literature and urban gothic culture, has a wide number of participants and subjects about History, Psicoanalisis, music, arts, literature, film, documentary and pop novel among others.
Participants present multidisciplinary works that include vampirism seen from the folklore, literature and religion, the Inquisition, victorian photography of female corpses, Freemasonry and occultism.
Authors like Joe Hill and Kate Chopin, such as the succesful tv series “True Detective” will also be a subject of discussion in communications and lectures throughout the three-day conference.
This event, jointly organized by the cultural associations Besarilia and Mentenebre, and the National Museum of Romanticism, with support from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will take place from 2 to 4 October at the Museum, and its papers will be published in the third edition of the academic journal “Heresy and Beauty”.