Earth We Walk Upon by Salvation AMP
It seldom happens that a record touches something very deep in you from the first second and thereafter keeps you entranced until the end. Such is the case with “Earth We Walk Upon”, the second album by Germany’s Salvation AMP. They should not need introduction because their debut album “Hidden Faces” was yet enough eye-catching, but just in case, they’re a do it yourself trio formed five years ago from the ashes of The Home Of The Hitman by Christ-Ian (singer/guitarist/songwriter), in coalition with bassist Caveman and drummer Steve Leafs. Handling guitar as their muse, Salvation AMP summon alternative rock, dark-tinged classic rock and new wave elements through their music but nevertheless they’re craftily diluted in a patented liftoff mix. Specifically in “Earth We Walk Upon”, they’ve broadened their sonic palette in a subtle way and, additionally, their outstanding harmonic interplay has been brought to the next level. The nine tracks included in this record gel as housed in a single soaring melody that stirs soul through its intense longing and remembrance. […]