Gothic artists always remain – SGM ART 2014
SGM ART is the space devoted to visual arts inside the Gothic Week of Madrid. The art we might relate to Gothic has always existed since the man was a man. But nowadays gothic art comes mostly from the underground. This fact means that this art is more authentic, deeper, because it’s made from the deepest feeling.
In previous editions of SGM ART we have put our eyes on Pre-Raphaelitism, concretely in how it’s reinterpreted by the gothic current artists. Also, we took a look on how the iconography of Symbolist art has made a mark in the beginning of the 21st Century in the so-called Neo-Symbolism. But the line-up of contemporary artists related to Gothic is huge so we will show it step by step, in future SGMArt editions.
This year we present a monographic exhibition of the Portuguese photographer Luis Azevedo who presents the warrior woman inside the architectonic space of gothic Monastery of Batalha (Portugal).