Interview with Still Patient?
Considered as a stronghold in Gothic Rock resistance, these Germans will be for the first time in Spain’s SGM Fest 2014. Besides a compilation with re-recorded songs, they have also released recently an EP called “Selective Perception”, which undoubtedly will be taken into account in their next visit. Singer and founding member ANDY KOA answers very professionally some questions by ALFREDO VILLAESCUSA.
First of all, what are you doing right now? Are you working on any new studio album?
Beside rehearsing for the upcoming shows we are constantly working on new material for the new studio album. We have some new songs we will play at Sacrosanct in Reading for the first time. Maybe we will play some of them in Madrid too. We have planned to hit the studio for the first half of the new album in October and hopefully we can finish the album early next year. Time runs very fast when you have a lot of things to do.
I think at the beginning of the year you released an EP called “Selective Perception” with four new songs, why do you choose to release an EP instead of a full album?
We have decided to release an EP because we had these songs ready and we wanted to have some output after we have done our first shows in 2013. We knew that a full album will take much longer and we thought that these five songs fit perfectly together. We already have some more songs ready or in process, but they sound a bit more electronic.
In “Selective Perception” there was a track from your debut “Salamand”, why? Is it important for you to recover old songs?
When we reworked some of our old songs for the first show at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig we found that “Anavryn” was our new favorite. It has that pure power and we all really enjoy to play it live. For us it was necessary to update the older songs to get a new state of feeling. Of course all the songs gave us a great feeling when we wrote them more than 20 years ago, but we had to discover that feeling again, which wasn’t always very easy. That’s why we don’t play all songs from the past anymore. The initial idea for the reunion of Still Patient? was to re-record some of our old songs with the knowledge and the possibilities of today. And so the first song we updated was “Mascara Osiris” in 2009 and now we play almost all the songs from our early years in an updated version on our shows. […]