Nothing Unveils Nothing by NU:N
Nowadays, It’s rather unusual that seasoned goths unanimously welcome a recording debut, even more if its authors are almost unheard of. Well, it’s precisely this scenario which surrounds the Porto-based band NU:N (Nothing Unveils Nothing), whose self-titled first album is running quickly from mouth to mouth. Firmly rooted in the Goth Rock’s peak of splendour – early 90’s, in my view – NU:N’s music conjures images of smoky dance floors, engulfed by hairspray and worn leather smell, while taking us into pitch-black realms that straddle the border between mythology and reverie. Rhythms pulse relentlessly, with the drum machine rattling for war and the bassist performing his grooviest way with deeply dark aplomb. Ambiances are opaque, weirdly aerial, and has been designed from a fleshed out minimalism that turns seconds into minutes, what is as crucial to the mood and the journey as any harsh baritone, minor chord or riff. So, whatever your taste in Goth Rock, these songs should entice you at first listening. […]