Solace by Lost Tribe

Lost Tribe - 'Solace' - Virus G Zine

Hailing from some dark corner in Richmond, Virginia, where Deathrock, Post-Punk and Goth Rock meet, Lost Tribe returns ready to shake up the blackest side of the musical spectrum with “Solace”, a new 8-track vinyl that is definitely going to push them out from the shadow cast – though they’re already quite well-known by worldwide mohicans, black leather dressed melomaniacs. Four years have passed since the band’s demo tape “The Dawn” came out and during that time they’ve managed to polish their particular crossover style, 80s mirrored but undeniably up-to-date and bold to set them apart from their merely retro contemporaries. Certainly, many totemic past ghosts will lurk in your mind while listening to “Solace” – even simultaneously within the same song. I appreciate some hints of Amebix, Anasazi, early Killing Joke, eerily conjured up Theatre of Hate – I could carry on for a while – but you will get your own ones, that is for sure. However, this is more due to the respective musical influences of each member than to a joint premeditated plan, and this also makes a big difference. So the LP has the strength to appeal to enthusiasts of the old school Goth sound, to worshippers of California Deathrock pioneers, to lovers of any gloomy punk derivative and to followers of relatively newer acts from the style of Vancouver’s Spectres, Helsinki’s Silent Scream and Beastmilk, or Bologna’s Horror Vacui, just to mention some.[…]

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Author: SGM

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