Meteora VII by Merciful Nuns (2014)
For Pythagoras, seven was a cosmic number: the sum of three (perfect triangle, divinity) and four (harmonious square, earthly elements), a bridge between heaven and earth. “Meteora” is precisely number seven on the Merciful Nuns’ list of full-length albums and, furthermore, it’s lyrically located “at the event horizon between this world and the beyond” – in Artaud’s own words. Still in...
What I Don’t See by Saigon Blue Rain – 2014
“What I don’t see” is the debut full-length album by the French duo Saigon Blue Rain (formerly known as Stupid Bitch Reject) and, as its title already implies, it somehow serves well as a soundtrack to the feeling that every intangible thing around – and even within us – is meaningful, wether it’s sublime or miserable. Such is the emotional grandeur with which Ophélie and Franck have impregnated...
Goodevil by Two Witches
Finnish gothic rock pioneers Two Witches put an end to a prolonged studio abstinence with their new full-length album, titled “Goodevil”, which is sure to fulfil the expectations of both worshippers and first-time listeners as plenty of refreshing – yet non-intrusive – elements converge here with those that have essentially distinguised this band throughout its almost three decades long career. So the leviathan...