Identities by Red Sun Revival
As forecasted by “Embers” EP the last year, London’s Red Sun Revival are going through their best musical moment since they were firstly pressed to our consciousness as a band worth following now three years ago with their debut album “Running From The Dawn”. Release by release, their sound has evolved and improved into an own gothic rock brand distinguished by its enchanting, lyrically dark, yet warm,...
Earth We Walk Upon by Salvation AMP
Rara vez un disco te engancha desde el primer acorde y te mantiene en trance hasta el final. Es el caso de “Earth We Walk Upon”, segundo álbum del grupo alemán Salvation AMP, cuyo debut discográfico, “Hidden Faces”, les granjeó respeto y buena reputación en círculos de melómanos alternativos y góticos. Para aquellos que no les conozcan todavía, Salvation AMP son un trío autónomo e independiente formado hace...
Return of the Empire by Horror Vacui
Formado en 2010, el quinteto bolonés Horror Vacui publicó su segundo larga-duración, titulado “Return Of The Empire”, en Octubre de 2014 – disponible en CD, casete, digital y también en vinilo (solo la edición impresa en E.E.U.U.). Por fin, gracias a Avant! Records y al propio sello de la banda, Legion Of The Dead, la edición europea del LP saldrá en Abril del presente año, y este es el objeto de mi reseña. Horror...
Waking the Dead by NFD
NFD fires on all cylinders again, roaring across gritty sound moors that few souls tread and leaving an unmistakable trail of elegy in its wake. Crowning the self-reinvention process initiated by the 8-track EP “Reformations” in 2013, the London/LA-based band has now released its 3rd long-playing, entitled “Waking The Dead”, whose ten tracks make Goth-Rock crossover an art. NFD’s manoeuvres towards its...