Habit makes goth – 2014 G Platform
The variety of styles inside we know such as Gothic Fashion is always present in G Platform, Madrid Gothic Week fashion show. Every designer makes her own readings and interpretations from her motivations and inspirations: literature, films, music, arts, for this reason what we know like urban gothic subculture, and the people who don´t belong to the scene identify like that, be a movement rich in sources and influences. About...
2014 Complete Agenda – III Congress on art, literature and urban gothic culture
In 2014 the III Congress on art, literature and urban gothic culture, has a wide number of participants and subjects about History, Psicoanalisis, music, arts, literature, film, documentary and pop novel among others. Participants present multidisciplinary works that include vampirism seen from the folklore, literature and religion, the Inquisition, victorian photography of female corpses, Freemasonry and occultism. Authors...
This year in our Literature Meeting: ghosts, role play and many more
Some of our pending tasks in our Literature Meeting were ghosts and RPGs, little or nothing has been said about them during the last five years or our SGM, that have focused on zombies, vampires, werewolves and all type of nocturnal beings, some more attractive than others incidentally. So, from the end of 2013 we began to call the writers under the slogan: “Prohibited vampires, werewolves and zombies” and thanks to...
A 2-Day SGM FEST for the first time
In 2014 our desire has already been fulfilled: a two day SGM Fest, thanks to the efforts of our deputy director Billyphobia, the fest finally saw the light. That was possible only after many hours of discussion with our director and producer, a lady of gothic heart but Kafkaesque brain, because she never makes a decision without consulting her Excel files (we think she has it integrated into her DNA), previous years budgets and...